The structure that comes with sign painting satisfies my perfectionist. A pattern is applied in a chalk outline that is similar to a paint by number. Long brush strokes are pulled to ensure paint deposit and crisp lines. Every curve and corner is painted with focussed attention to detail to make an accurate depiction of the planned logo or design. I really enjoy painting on rough stucco wall because the result of clean lines on a rough surface create a nice contrast that elevates the painting.

In my paintings I am free to mess around so instead of a stretched canvas I prefer painting on wood. The stronger base allows me to paint with a certain heavy-handedness that allows me to freely express any instinct. I pull inspiration from my imagination following it in any direction it leads me, which is a fast-paced process so I don't spend too much time thinking about the idea I end up at. I don’t alter the image I see. I'm satisfied when the canvas is a reflection of my daydream. And if it isn’t I paint over it using the under layers to inspire the title for the end result. The process of painting a sign is much different for me, but creates balance.